Well, I think I have time to spare for this so,
/subconsciousness reappearing
...No I don't.
Yes, I do!
No I don't!
Yes. I. Do.
Uhhh, where was I?
Anyways, this time it’s all about games.
I would prefer if you came around for the first time that you read the previous post.
That is if you're not that lazy.
Or you got bored by reading this right about... Now.
Onto the topic.
I would prefer if you came around for the first time that you read the previous post.
That is if you're not that lazy.
Or you got bored by reading this right about... Now.
Onto the topic.
As well as you all know, there are a lot of guys that play games most of the time.
But, not all of them are the same, you see.
I made a few categories of boyfriends based on what kind of game they’re playing, so that you know your stuff.
Thank me later.
Before I begin, I need to make some things clear about my last post and solutions in how to deal with a gamer. Just merely pointing some very important things I haven't mantioned earlier.
First off:
Nope, you're not gonna make a guy stop playing games if you wreck their consoles, yell at them and/or destroy their original special edition pre-ordered-biggest-fan-only games.
It's not a solution.
They worked hard (one way or another) to get all that, and they would never give it away because someone just told them so.
Not to mention forgive the wrecking.
Anyway, from my point of view, a girl who would do that would look like nothing more than a simple violent bitch.
I'm just sayin'.
And second:
If you don't like the philosophy of: 'Can't beat them - join them.', then you have to be extremely tollerant in order to preserve the relationship.
That is, again, if the guy isn't a jerk, and deserves your attention, and your love.
If he is, then move on.
Believe me.
Now I'm seroius.
(yeah right like I ever was serious)
(yeah right like I ever was serious)
You don't want to spend years suffering before you decide to break up.
Especially if you don't want to see that same guy after the break up on the street while driving.
Good times.
Okay, I'm done.
Now onto the good stuff.
Considering how many various game genres exist, along with sub-genres, sub-sub-genres, and/or whatever, I couldn't just take every one of them and say: 'Yep, if your boyfriend is playin' it, then *insert witty comment here*.', because it's not really possible.
The variety of games is just enormous, and approachable from any side, and from any person, country or to be exact - console, just in order to get as many players as possible.
And what's even more improtant, 'gamers' are not guys that only play WoW, or similar. It doesn't matter what game it is, as long as they spend most of the time playing them.
I also have to mention that I'm not experienced in all kind of games, so in order to make this thing work, I had to do some serious researching.
I note that I haven't cathegorised men by genres, but only by the most popular kinds of games.
So, here goes.
First of all, MMORPG is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game.
(this abbrevation took me the longest to learn)
And, as you will notice, it's the most popular thing on the internet (after facebook).
The thing that 10 persons die for out of starvation at their desk a year.
Aaand the one that made so many couples break up I can easily go on the beach and count the grains without regreting I didn't tell you the number.
Well, if not break up, it made them foreveralone.
But, these kind of guys don't care much about that.
How can you recognise them?
You don't.
At least, not easily.
In fact, I think I can at least make a bit clearer vision about this.
There are 3 stages the ones are going through.
It doesn't necessarily mean they HAVE to end up on the third stage, but I'm just pointing out that, even in these kind of situations, you have the 'better', or the 'worse' evil.
First stage is just casual playing, for fun and personal fulfillment.
Not much time has been taken away from those guys, but they will still be committed to it a lot, in order to show how good they are at it.
Second is, when they get 'hooked' on it. I wouldn't actually use that term, but let it be like this, because I'm in lack of words at the very moment. This kind of gamer is a lot more comittet to playing, and it's not for fun, but for progress. And more progress. And more.
More, more, more.
This is how you come to the final stage.
I call them - no lifers.
It's also a pretty harsh term, but forgive my narrow vocabulary.
In this situation, they will absolutely, and I asure you, dismiss most or all connection to the real world.
Some even come to a point where they're far too busy to go have a shower, or even grab something to eat.
It's just progress. Progress.
I have to have more!
Be the best!
And that's where the story ends.
They just keep progressing, and there's nothing to it.
They will basically commit their whole life, free time and leave chores behind for that game.
That is, until a new version of the game appears.
Or a new patch.
Or something.
'I have to have it!'
Well, that kind of sums up all kind of gamers. But this kind is kind of special (overusing the word kind, in a wrong way). In other words, the need to become a better person, to achieve higher goals and feel good about themselves is projected in that game.
But enough with the psychology.
What IS important here, is that, you need to catch their attention.
At all cost.

Just like that.
There might have been better methods, but I like this one best.
Cosplay always helps.
It has to.
But on a side note, I highly consider that the solutions from the past entry cover up all of the gamers.
Doesn't matter what they play.
But, I repeat.
This. Is. Gold.
No man will stay the same after seeing that sight.
Well, that's all for now.
I'll finish the rest once I get some sleep.
And some studying.
Maybe some food too.
And a shower.
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