Let's see...
You're young, beautiful, charming, and nothing can come in your way.
A successful life is what everyone is craving for.
Although there are things you can do that will fill in the gap of not having a relationship, it's still not enough.
So, you find yourself a boyfriend.

It's all lovely-dovely, untill you discover something.
One day, you call him.
- 'Hello?'
- 'Oh, hi hun. What're you doing?'
- 'I'm raiding right now. Can I call you back?'
- 'Um, sure. Later.'
- 'Later.'
...Wait a second.
I'm out of coffee! I'll be right back.

That's better.
Now, where was I. Oh, yes, he was raiding.
It's okay, he'll call back.
Tomorrow. Or maybe the day after tomorrow.
First, you think it's something school-related.
What did he say again? Reading?
No, wait... Raiding?
... I'll google it. Google is my friend.

When suddenly...
...'To Raid / Raiding - a Group of 10/25/40 players who join forces to complete a dungeon in games like World of Warcraft.'

He was playing a game?!
How in the hell? ...

... Well, that's right.
Your dear boyfriend... Is a gamer.
'But how could I not notice that?
I mean, we were going out, and having fun.
We have so much in common.
I mean, I'm into japanese animation too.
But I thought he only watched hentai or something.
But WoW?'
(Note to self: WoW is an abbreviation for World of Warcraft)
By my calculations, there is a much less probability to date a gamer guy than a jerk.
The bad news is: If you start dating a guy that's both, good luck with preserving it.
The good news is: If that guy isn't proved to be a jerk, there is help!
There are 4 solutions (patented by me and of which isn't proved that any work with 100% accuracy, but it's worth the shot):
First is:
Leave that motherfu**er foreveralone.
Maybe, just maybe, if he realises that you were the right girl for him, he'll take the effort of sparing some more time for you.
But games... Well, you'll still have to deal with them.
Second (and the hardest one) is:
To try and make him stop playing games.
It's possible, by making him do some other things that might be fun.
If you're involved, and have a lot of similar interests, you can find a lot of things that you can do together, and they won't include any games.
But I warn you, it's a long and a very difficult process, so if you decide so, I wish you the best of luck.
The main problem about it is, that gamers like challenges, and achievements.
If you find a way to intriuge him higly in any activity you're planning on (which is difficult enough), you also have to reward him.
After the first step, it only gets easier.
Third (the second hardest):
Become a gamer girl youself.
Now as much as I don't like to admit, a lot of guys are really into gamer girls.
Prefferably hot gamer girls.
Let's face it, not everyone can look like this.
But, as long as you're included in whatever that he is doing, it's a plus.
You're doing things together, and it's somewhat encouraging.
Besides that, the variety of things to talk about and share will increase, along with the bond you already have.
If you're a girl that does not know a thing about games, it's gonna be even better.
I'm saying that because, as long as you are, and stay interested in what he is doing, the guy will feel fullfilled because he will be introducing you to something completely new.
Unless he's a jerk, and yells at you because you spent all mana on unnececarry special ability.
Or you didn't come in time for the raid/grind/ops.
Or just screwed something up ingame.
Then you do numero uno.
Sorry girl, but that's how it is.
And last, but not least, the final solution:
Stay as you are, and deal with him.
Just like... Me.
Sometimes, when solution 3 fails, it's the best to stay out of it.
It can be that you either found the game world uninteresting, or you just can't seem to fit in.
If you tried, the guy will consider that, so it's a good thing.
Again, unless he's not a jerk.
Somehow, over the time, you'll get used to it, yet still find out new things, even though you're not a gamer.
In my case, he introduced me to so many games, and I even tried playing them.
It was fun.
But it's just not for me.
And even if I wanted to play, I don't have the requirements to do that. At least not for now.
Even though you're not a gamer, you'll have things to talk about, besides every day ones.
And, well, as it was explained earlier, guys do it not for fun, but for personal fulfillment.
Unlike girls.
But, you will experience his rage quitting, all-nighter raids, and playing the PS3, or some other console.
There must be at least two consoles.
Or at least two games.
WoW & LoL
Dota & HoN
WoW & Dota
LoL & HoN
Do the math.
And at least, learn what every abbrevation means.
That'll make him proud.
That'll make you proud.
And that's about it.
If you found this interesting, thank you.
If I made a mistake, point it out.
But note that I'm only focused on girls that are not gamers.
And gamers that are not girls.
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