Now, that I'm clean, fresh out of the shower with a towel on my head and a piece of toast in my mouth, I can continue with spreading the love!
Just before I begin, (again), I want to thank you all for taking the time to read this crap.
It's crap.
It doesn't help much.
But it makes me happy.

Here, have a smile.
Ah, yes now.
The gamers.
Well, we still haven't moved from #1.
That was the link to the previous post.
If you haven't read it, I highly recommend you do.
Go on.
Click eeeeeet.
Well, I covered it up more or less earlier, but here's the deal:
MMORPG-s (learn yer abbreviations, bitches), are really popular.
They are mostly Fantasy, Sci-fi, or Historically oriented.
But there are even more genres, so I'll stop here.
So, in conclusion, they can be adjusted to different tastes, which means there will be more players.
And, let's face it, a gamer doesn't have to have a particular music/clothing taste, orientation, nationality or religious views, or anything else for that matter to be a gamer.
I just can't say that a game can define what a player is.
The game chose them.
That is all.
But, moving on to #2:
FPS; Or just shooting games.
(FPS comes from First Person Shooting)
My God, I'm so proud.
It turns out I know so much it almost makes me a gamer.

Well, personally, I find this kind of games the most annoying.
This is the one that Counter Strike, Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, and all other games come from.
I just don't get it.
World War II simulations?
Really bitch?
I always say, let's see you do that on the field with real guns and real people.
I'm just sayin'.
I think those things are bad, man.
But you know, it really depends on the kind of guy.
'De gustibus non disputandum est.'
I'm not completely met with this genre in theory, but I can at least guess that this is not a kind of game that'll make you stay in your room for 2 days straight.
What I am sure, is that these games are something that can easily regulate your blood pressure from low to normal.
(right after MMORPG-s)
Or give you a heart attack from the emotions it causes.
The negative ones.
I noticed that many guys, while playing Counter Strike, for example, have the need to yell all the time.

- 'Hey dude, that's my hiding spot, go somewhere else!'
- 'You stole my kill you piece of sh*t!'
- 'Fu*k, I'm out of ammo!'
And so on...
Not to mention yo mama jokes.
Well, overall, I want to point out that these kind of gamers aren't really a potential disaster for girls, because they really can't spend too much time playing it, neither expect from a girl to play it, because it's a 'man's game'.
Well, you got me.
I don't like shooting games.
Well, actually I do, but in third person.
A random little fact about me.
Now scram.
...I think I could spare some room for another one.
Thank me later.
Let's see... We have role-playing games, shooting games...
What else do guys like to play?

God, I can't think with this angry ass dragon in my way!
...Waaait a second.
Is that the little dragon from Mulan?

... No?

... Nope, I didn't think so too.
Oh, oh, I know! ... Wait fooor iiit...
Fighting games! Heh. Thaaat's right.
So, shall we begin?
Fighting games;
Well, first of all, I like these kind of games because it can include more than one person in the room.

...And no, not like this.
They use one console.
...That's better.
I'm not focused on the actual type of game now that we're talking about, but I'm pointing out that this kind of game is good when played with more than one person.
It's fun, enjoyable, and most of those games played by multiple persons are fighting games.
I mean, how else could you and your boyfriend possibly decide on who's eating the last piece of the cake?
Well, in my case, fighting games came to my liking after I got involved with a gamer.
And it really is fun.
Not to mention hilarious seeing a girl struggle to get out of a combo.
I mean, the first time I took a controller and desperately tried to win a match, my boyfriend was like:

...I guess I was holding the joypad the wrong way.
And I kept pressing the wrong buttons.
But it was hilarious, nonetheless.
But, alas, here is the dark side: It can all be played online.
Against other competitors.
From other countries.
And guess what?
You have to be the best!

What do we have here?
Hm, let's see:
1. Rage quitting.
2. Going into all rage mode because someone rage quitted on you.
Well, I guess that's about it.
Oh, well that's not so bad.
I mean, I can relate.
I always get my ass kicked.
But I take it like a woman!

(I guess that so far nothing's worse than MMORPG-s huh)
You may hit me with a brick now.
Well, see ya later.
Hope you liked it.
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